If you want to sign up for free offers from this website or in other places online, you are going to need some tips to come out of this ahead.
1) Always use a different number if you don’t want to hear from the company or if you have to verify yourself to get a free item from a company that you’re trying to get a hold of. One place to go online that can help is k7.net because it will help you to set up free numbers and you’ll have online voicemail. This is a great way to keep telemarketers at bay when you don’t want to be called at home. Google Voice in another service that can do the same thing.
2) Have another email address set up through Gmail or somewhere else like Hotmail. That way, your regular email address doesn’t get spam sent to it.
3) Do you want to get free stuff sent to you? Speak with a company through email or on the phone because they may offer free samples and things like coupons.
4) Firefox with the extension Google Toolbar will allow you to autofill fields on websites. That way, you can sign up for many offers without doing much work. Another option for auto-fill is called Roboform and is something that is great to use as well.
5) Simply follow onlyfreesamples.com on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter if you want to catch a lot of awesome freebies!
It’s also good to follow us on Instagram, Telegram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook to get 24 hour freebie news and even more!