1. How To Use onlyfreesamples.com?
There are two main sections on our site and postings are separated so that navigation is a lot easier. The main pages include:
– The Freebie Page. This is also the Home page.
– The Deals and Coupons page.
2. How To Follow This Website?
In order to make it simple for you to follow our website, we also have a Facebook page. On this page all of the deals and coupons are posted. You’ll also be able to follow onlyfreesamples.com on the following:
– Twitter
– Instagram
– Facebook
– Pinterest
– Twitter
– Email
3. Is it necessary to use my actual phone number?
It isn’t necessary to use your actual phone number, however, you should do so if you want to be contacted by the company or get verification on items you’ve asked for. Of course, you can work around this by getting a k7.net account that will provide you with a free phone number. Then, you cans simply use the internet to check the voicemail. This is a great way to ensure you don’t get any telemarketing phone calls on your personal or home phone. Alternatively, you can even use Google voice instead of k7.net.
4. Is it best to use my personal email address?
It is highly recommended that you sign up for another email address via Gmail or Hotmail to use on this site. This will ensure that you don’t get unwanted spam in the email account that you use the most.
5. I didn’t get the freebie I signed up for. What happened?
There are many freebies that take awhile to arrive and some can take a week and others may take as long as 4 months. Additionally, there are companies that have stopped sending out certain freebies but have still left the form up. Also, there are many freebies that are limited to only a certain number of people, so after that number is passed, then others who sign up for it won’t get the freebie.
6. Are the freebies sent by onlyfreesamples.com?
Onlyfreesamples.com is a directory of freebies but we don’t actually send them out. We aren’t personally affiliated with the businesses that are offering these samples and freebies. So, when you do enter your personal information to get these free offers, you’ll be doing so at your own risk. Do note that we do our best to get rid of spam sites.
7. Upon clicking a link, there isn’t any form or the page is not found. Why?
Most freebies go very quickly and we post these freebies every day, throughout the entire day. As a result, we may not be aware of when these offers become expired. Additionally, there are particular sites that aren’t mobile compatible and this means that you’ll need to use a computer to complete the form. Fortunately, many companies are working hard to make sure their forms are mobile compatible. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any freebies, then you should definitely subscribe to our email list as well as follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
8. Is it actually possible to get FREE products? These offers sound too good to be real.
Yes, you can definitely get lots of free products and stuff. Once you start filling out forms to get freebies, you’ll automatically start receiving free items in your mail by a month. This is quite unbelievable, but true! There are lots of companies that do this so that people can sample their products. It is also how they advertise. Be sure to check out the freebies that our readers have posted photos of on Facebook.
9. How can I contact you?
It is easy to get into contact with onlyfreesamples.com via the contact form on our website. Alternatively, you can send us an email at admin@OnlyFreeSamples.com